Strategic Management : Benefits, Definition, Planning and Example

What is Strategic Management?

Strategic management is like creating a game plan for a company to reach its goals. It involves setting goals, looking at what’s happening outside and inside the company, making plans, and putting those plans into action. It’s like making a roadmap and then following it, but also being ready to change the route if needed. It’s not just for big companies; even small ones can use it to do better in the business world. Think of it as a helpful tool to steer the company in the right direction.

Strategic Management
Strategic Management

Strategic management is like planning for different groups, like businesses, schools, or charities. Some groups can easily change their plans when needed, while others struggle with change.

A strategic manager helps make these plans and figure out how a group can reach its goals. Imagine playing a game, and the strategic manager is the coach.

To be good at strategic management, a group needs to do a few things:

Be Special: They should find a way to be different and valuable in the “market” (where they work).

Make Choices: Sometimes, they must decide not to do some things to focus on what’s most important. It’s like picking the best moves in a game.

Fit Together: All the things the group does should work well together to support their plan. Think of it like all the players on a sports team working together.

Keep Checking: They need to keep looking at how they’re doing and see if their plan is working. If not, they change it.

So, strategic management helps groups go in the right direction, make intelligent choices, and get better at what they do. It’s like being the captain of a ship, steering it through the changing waters to reach its destination.

Benefits of Strategic Management

Think of a company like a team in a big game. Strategic management is like having a coach for the Team who helps in these ways:

Benefits of strategic management
Think of a company like a team in a big game. Strategic management is like having a coach for the Team who helps in these ways:

Helping the Team Win: 

Imagine the Team is racing against others. Strategic management is like a tool that makes the Team better and brighter so they can beat the other teams.

Reaching Goals Easily: 

The Team’s goals are like essential places on a map. Strategic management is like a map showing the Team the best way to reach each goal, one step at a time.

Getting Stronger: 

Like a tree that grows strong over time, strategic management helps the Team get more potent and not get pushed around by problems.

Playing Together Well: 

Think of a sports team where everyone works together to win. Strategic management is like the coach’s plan that ensures everyone on the Team plays nicely together.

Being Ready: 

Just like studying for a test, strategic management helps the leaders of the Team learn about what might happen in the future. It’s like reading books to be ready for anything.

So, strategic management is like having a wise coach for the Team. It helps them win the game, find their way to success, get stronger, play as a team, and be ready for whatever comes along. It’s like having a unique recipe for doing well!

Understanding Strategic Management

Strategic management is like making plans for a company to do well. There are different ways to do this, like making a recipe. Some people say exactly how each step should Strategic management is like planning for a company to do well. There are different ways to do this, like making a recipe. A few give precise instructions (prescriptive), while others give general ideas (descriptive).

A company’s success depends on many things, like how people work together and the company’s rules. If a company is too strict and doesn’t change, it might struggle in a fast-changing world.

Also, it’s not just the big bosses who make plans. Sometimes, regular employees have great ideas, too. So, leaders look at what worked before and what’s happening around them to make better plans for the future.

And to make it all work, everyone in the company needs to talk to each other and check if they’re doing what they planned.

In simple words, it’s like making a recipe, being flexible, listening to everyone, and making sure everyone talks and follows the plan. It helps the company do well and grow. Be done (prescriptive), while others give general ideas (descriptive).

A company’s success depends on many things, like how people work together and the company’s rules. If a company is too strict and doesn’t change, it might struggle in a fast-changing world.

Also, it’s not just the big bosses who make plans. Sometimes, regular employees have great ideas, too. So, leaders look at what worked before and what’s happening around them to make better plans for the future.

In simple words, it’s like making a recipe, being flexible, listening to everyone, and making sure everyone talks and follows the plan. It helps the company do well and grow.


Think of “strategy” as a plan for a company. It’s like deciding where the company wants to go in the long run and how it will get there.

This plan involves two important things: “strategic planning” and “strategic thinking.”

Strategic planning is like doing homework. It’s about collecting data and information to determine the best way forward. It’s like making a map.

On the other hand, strategic thinking is like putting all that information together to come up with the actual plan. It’s like solving a puzzle.

Planning comes first, like preparing the tools, and then thinking is like using those tools to build the plan.

And in real life, these two things don’t happen just once; they go back and forth, helping each other out. It’s like teamwork – they work together to make the best plan for the company.

Strategy – Definition and Features:

“Strategy” comes from Greek words meaning “leading an army.” Simply put, a plan helps a company reach its goals. This plan guides the company and its parts toward a future state. It’s about using resources wisely to achieve today’s goals while considering how others, like competitors and customers, might react.

A good strategy is like a detailed company plan. It says what the company wants, how it’ll do it, and what kind of company it aims to be. It’s like a roadmap guiding the company to its goals and benefiting shareholders, customers, and society.

Strategy is vital because we can’t predict the future. It focuses on significant, long-term goals like finding new markets, creating products, and guessing how customers and competitors might act. Think of it as a clear roadmap for success, helping the company do better than others in the business world.

The 5 Phases of Strategic Management

Strategic management is like steering a ship. It involves managing a company’s resources, understanding what’s happening inside and outside the company, and planning to achieve its goals. Here are the five essential steps:

The 5 Phases of Strategic Management
The 5 Phases of Strategic Management

It is Setting Clear Goals: 

First, the company decides its goals and why. It’s like deciding where the ship should go and why it’s going there.

Understanding the Situation: 

Then, the company looks at what’s happening around it and figures out how it might affect its goals. They use tools like SWOT analysis, like checking the weather before sailing.

Making a Plan: 

The company creates a plan once they know the situation. This plan explains how they will reach their goals, who will do what, and what tools they need. It’s like planning the route, who’s on the crew, and what equipment to use on the ship.

Putting the Plan into Action: 

Now, it’s time to implement the plan. They use their resources and everyone’s roles to make things happen. It’s like sailing the ship in the chosen direction.

Checking if it’s Working: 

Finally, they check if their plan is working. They use measurements to see if they’re getting closer to their goals. If something’s not working, they change the plan. It’s like checking the ship’s progress and adjusting the course if needed.

So, strategic management is like being the captain of a ship, making a plan to reach a destination, and adjusting the course as needed. It helps the company stay on the right path and achieve its goals.

Why Is Strategic Management Important?

Strategic management is crucial for businesses because it helps them become more competitive. This means finding ways to do better in the market. Putting these plans into action is the most essential part. It involves setting goals, using resources wisely (like money and people), and having the right leaders to make and sell products or services.

In business, strategic management is vital because it helps a company improve how it works. They can look at what’s good and what needs fixing. There are two ways to do this: by analyzing things carefully to find problems and opportunities and following general guidelines. Depending on how a company is built, they might use a strict plan or a more flexible approach. The challenging program gives clear strategies, while the flexible one explains how to make those strategies.

What Is an Example of Strategic Management?

Imagine a big company that wants to sell more stuff online. To do this, they make a plan, tell everyone about it, and use it in all company parts. They also connect it to what employees must do and follow the procedure.

If it works well, this plan should help the company reach its goals by working together in one organized way.

What Are the Key Elements of Strategic Management?

Strategic management differs for every company, but some critical parts are always there. These are setting goals, studying the company and its industry, making a plan, putting the plan into action, and keeping an eye on how well it’s working.

Strategic Management Concepts

Strategic management is all about a company knowing what it’s here for (mission), where it wants to go (vision), and the principles it follows (values). This means planning for the short and long term, setting goals, and deciding how to reach them. It’s like having a road map.

This process helps a company make intelligent choices and set new goals quickly, significantly when technology or the market changes. Strategic management can improve a company, help it do well in the market, and plan for what’s next.

Types of Strategic Management Strategies

Strategic management has changed over time. It started in the 1950s and 1960s. Critical thinkers like Peter Drucker believed a business’s main job is to make customers happy by meeting their needs.

In the 1980s, Theodore Levitt from Harvard Business School focused on customers rather than just making products well.

Philip Selznick introduced the idea of “distinctive competence” in 1957, which means a company’s unique strengths and weaknesses. This helps in understanding the outside world with tools like SWOT analysis.

A Canadian expert, Henry Mintzberg, said that strategy is more than one fixed thing. He gave five ways to look at it:

Plan: Like a roadmap for action.

Ploy: Tricks to beat competitors, part of a plan.

Pattern: A company’s consistent behavior, even if not planned.

Position: Making sure the company fits well with its environment.

Perspective: How a company sees the world, like being a leader or follower.

So, strategic management has evolved with time and has different thinking methods.

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is a helpful tool organizations use to plan and test their strategies. It looks at the company’s strengths and weaknesses and compares them to the opportunities and threats outside. This helps leaders see what might affect their goals.

Strategic Management
SWOT Analysis

It helps leaders determine if their resources and abilities will work well in their competitive world and allows them to fine-tune their strategies to stay successful.

The idea of SWOT analysis started in the 1960s at Harvard Business School. It’s like matching what a company is good at (inside) with what’s happening outside in the world (opportunities and threats) to reach its goals. It’s a widely used and helpful tool in business planning.

Balanced Scorecard in Strategic Management

The balanced scorecard is a way to manage a company’s goals. It turns these goals into smaller objectives that we can measure, watch, and change if needed to ensure we achieve the big goals.

It looks at four things: money stuff (like income and sales), keeping customers happy, how well the company’s processes match its goals, how employees are doing, and if they’re so glad.

In simple terms, it connects the company’s big goals with everyday things like actions, measurements, and projects to help reach those goals. It’s like a roadmap for business success.

Value of Organizational Culture

The culture within a company can decide if it does well or not, and leaders need to think about it when they plan. Culture affects how people in a company set goals, do their work, and use resources. Suppose the culture is strong and matches the company’s plans. In that case, it’s easier for leaders to inspire employees to work together on those plans. In places where employees are encouraged to be part of decisions and strategies, the strategic management process should support this involvement. So, culture matters significantly in how a company succeeds or fails, and leaders must pay attention to it.


Formulating a strategy means making important decisions about how a company will compete. It involves looking at the world outside (like politics, economics, and technology), the industry it’s in (like competition and customers), and what’s happening inside the company (like its strengths and weaknesses).

These decisions come from understanding the environment and answering questions like: What’s the company’s primary business? Who are the customers? How do they buy things? What makes the company unique compared to others? How many skills should the company have? What opportunities and risks are there? How can the company grow and make investors happy?

The answers create the company’s plan and specific short-term and long-term goals. It’s like drawing a roadmap for success.

Strategic thinking

Strategic thinking means using unique insights to create an advantage for a company. It’s about questioning the company’s strategy and what it offers. It’s like putting together puzzle pieces rather than just finding them. It involves taking what a manager learns from their experiences and data to decide where the company should go.

Strategic thinking is crucial for sound strategies, even more critical than just planning. It’s like a mental process where a manager combines data and decides what the company should do.

There’s also the idea that we must consider how decisions are made, and strategies are implemented. What factors affect decision-making quality, and how can we make better choices in the future? This involves considering time, opposing forces, politics, and more.

In a fast-changing world, classic strategies and visions have limits, and we need to involve people from different levels in the company to create a successful plan. It’s not just about top managers; everyone’s input matters.

Strategic planning

Strategic planning is like the organized way we create and put our strategy into action. It’s all about gathering and analyzing data to make intelligent decisions. This data helps us come up with our plan. Then, we use strategic planning to ensure we follow that strategy. So, the process goes hand in hand with creating and executing our plan.

Components of a Strategy Statement

A strategy statement has a few essential parts:

Components of a Strategy Statement
Components of a Strategy Statement

Vision: This is like a big dream for the future. It’s what the company wants to become.

Mission: Think of this as the company’s purpose. It’s why the company exists.

Values: These are like the rules or beliefs that guide the company.

Strategies: These are the company’s plans or ways to reach its goals.

Tactics: Tactics are the daily actions the company takes.

Measures: These help the company see if they’re getting closer to their goals.

In simple terms, a strategy statement is a plan showing where a company wants to go (vision), why it exists (mission), its beliefs (values), what it wants (goals), how it plans to get there (strategies), daily actions (tactics), and progress checkpoints (measures). It’s like a guide to success.

Strategic Management Process

The strategic management process is like a series of steps that help a company plan and achieve its goals.

  1. Setting Goals: First, the company decides what it wants to achieve in the future.
  2. Analyzing: Then, it looks at its current situation and what’s happening around it.
  3. Planning: Based on this, the company plans how to reach its goals.
  4. Action: Next, it puts the plan into action, making necessary changes.
  5. Monitoring: It keeps an eye on how things are going to ensure they’re on track.
  6. Evaluating: After a while, the company looks back to see what worked and what didn’t.
  7. Adjusting: Finally, it adapts and improves the plan as needed.

So, it’s like making a roadmap to reach your destination, but for a company to achieve its goals in the business world.

Strategic Decisions

Strategic decisions are like a company’s big choices to reach its primary goals. These decisions are super important and impact the company’s direction. They involve thinking about what the company should do, who its customers are, and how it can stay ahead in the market. It’s like plotting the best path to success in the business world.

Strategic Leadership

Strategic leadership is when someone in charge of a company or team makes intelligent decisions to help the group succeed. This kind of leader thinks about where the group should go, plans how to get there, and motivates everyone to work together. It’s like being the captain of a team, steering it towards victory in the business world.

Corporate Governance

Corporate governance is like the rules and practices that help a company run smoothly and fairly. It’s about how a company is managed and controlled. It involves ensuring that decisions are made in the company’s and its stakeholders’ best interests, like shareholders and employees. It’s like having a set of guidelines to ensure everyone plays by the rules in the business world.

How does Strategic Management Work?

Strategic management is like a roadmap for a company. It involves setting clear goals, analyzing the company’s strengths and weaknesses, and looking at what’s happening around it. Then, the company makes a plan (strategy) to reach its goals and puts that plan into action. Along the way, the company monitors its progress and adjusts if needed. So, it’s about planning, doing, and adapting to succeed in business.

Making sure that your strategies fit with your organization’s culture is crucial. If they don’t match, achieving the strategy’s goals can be hard. So, it’s important that your plans and how your company works go hand in hand for success.

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